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OCD & BDD Treatment
Feeling that unless you carry out particular behaviours something awful will happen?
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is where an individual carries out particular behaviours because they believe the behaviours will help to stop something awful happening in the future. Body Dysmorphia is a preoccupation with perceived flaws in appearance that impacts negatively on a person's life and wellbeing.
There are different types of OCD. Checking involves the need to check something has or has not happened. For example, checking that I have turned off the gas or checking I have not run anyone over. If I fear contamination then I will need to clean until I feel better or I will need to avoid the possibility of being contaminated. Symmetry and ordering is where things are ordered until anxiety feels manageable. Ruminations or intrusive thoughts might involve believing that one is bad in some way. Hoarding is where people are unable to throw things away to the point that it impacts negatively on their lives.
BDD involves a constant focus on a part of parts of the body that is experienced as seriously flawed. There is a feeling that unless this is solved, the future may be disastrous. People with BDD spend hours focusing on the part of the body they think is a problem, they can spend hours and hours thinking about it, checking it and looking for examples to compare to. Life is overtaken by this constant focus until depression creeps in and accompanies anxiety in a daily struggle.
We are able to work with all of the different types of OCD and with BDD and help you to understand how to overcome your symptoms.
Symptoms of OCD and BDD include:
Feeling anxious, nervous or on edge.
Breathlessness or short of breath.
Racing, worrisome thoughts.
Difficulty relaxing and feeling restless.
Sleep can be affected - laying awake with racing thoughts.
Feeling tired all the time with little energy to do things.
Feeling compelled to carry out particular behaviours like cleaning or checking or ordering things.
Perhaps you find you are not able to concentrate on things because your mind is full of worrying thoughts.
Is there a sense of dread for the future? As if something awful might happen.
Treatment for OCD and BDD
Treatment involves:
Therapy for OCD and BDD follows guidelines set out by NICE, who recommend CBT.
A thorough assessment to understand your OCD or BDD.
Goal setting.
Formulation: reaching a shared understanding.
Discussion of alternative explanations.
Helping you to think about whether the problem could be explained by anxiety.
What is anxiety and how could it be influencing the problem.
Understanding how thoughts and behaviours are maintaining the problem.
Understanding how life could look if we do not bring about change.
Understanding how to test out the beliefs.
Understanding how to control spiralling thoughts and fears.
Understanding how to face our worst fears and see that we can carry out behaviours we thought impossible.
Generalising changes.
Relapse Prevention.
As psychologists, we can work with you to look at all of the different things that may be influencing your problem - this could be related to your history or things in your current life and we will provide you with understanding and strategies to help you back on to the path towards feeling better.
Our team can provide Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Psychotherapy, or other therapies such as ACT, CFT, EMDR, CAT, Psychodynamic. Existential and Integrative Psychotherapy. Be in touch if you are not sure what you need or what you are looking for and we will match you with the right therapist for your problem.
Meet The Team

At Dr Stuart Psychologists, all of our psychologists have extensive training to doctoral level and decades of experience in their field of expertise. You will be matched with a psychologist that has the knowledge and skill to help you understand and overcome your problem - not just in the short term but for good.
Get in touch to book a consultation
Office hours are 09:00 - 17:00 Monday to Friday.
We have some evening and weekend appointments available.
Call 020 3488 2438 for an appointment or use the form below.