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Depression Treatment
Feeling low and hopeless?
Our mood is something that always fluctuates. It not only fluctuates on a daily basis but also across the week and month, depending on numerous factors. But then there are times when our mood seems to be low for days or even weeks on end. Or we find we become low for months following an experience that others might seemingly breeze through. When we think about low mood, we generally just think about feeling rubbish but actually depression impacts on many different areas of our health and wellbeing.
Symptoms of depression include:
Feeling low in mood or depressed.
No interest in things or experiencing less pleasure in things we used to enjoy.
Sleep can be affected - either laying awake with negative thoughts racing around or sleeping more than usual.
Feeling tired all the time with little energy to do things.
Appetite can also be affected - perhaps you are over eating or have gone off food altogether. Or perhaps you fluctuate between the two.
Are your thoughts always negative? Perhaps you are ruminating on how awful everything is or being over self critical.
Perhaps you find you are not able to concentrate on things as well. You become distracted when in social situations or unable to read a book or concentrate at work.
When we are really low we at times begin to think life is not worth living or that life has become so draining that we feel we would be quite happy to fall asleep and never wake up.
Treatment for Depression
There are lifestyle changes that can help to improve mood, such as a healthy nutritious diet, exercise, manageable stress levels, regular pleasurable activities and a good sleep. However, there are times when low mood tips over into depression. Depression not only influences our mood but energy levels and our desire to do things such as hobbies or to socialise. As psychologists we are able to work with and treat clinical depression and can help you to feel better, no matter how impossible you see the situation to be.
It may be, however, that your low mood is not linked to simple changes in lifestyle but to difficulties you have faced in your life. Therapy can help to unpick those experiences and support you to understand how your background history has brought you to where you are today. Therapy can provide you with the tools to feel better and live a life you have always wanted to live.
As psychologists, we can work with you to look at all of the different things that may be influencing your problem - this could be related to your history or things in your current life and we will provide you with understanding and strategies to help you back on to the path towards feeling better.
Our team can provide Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Psychotherapy, or other therapies such as ACT, CFT, EMDR, CAT, Psychodynamic. Existential and Integrative Psychotherapy. Be in touch if you are not sure what you need or what you are looking for and we will match you with the right therapist for your problem.
Meet The Team

At Dr Stuart Psychologists, all of our psychologists have extensive training to doctoral level and decades of experience in their field of expertise. You will be matched with a psychologist that has the knowledge and skill to help you understand and overcome your problem - not just in the short term but for good.
Get in touch to book a consultation
Office hours are 09:00 - 17:00 Monday to Friday.
We have some evening and weekend appointments available.
Call 020 3488 2438 for an appointment or use the form below.